Understanding the Process of Deliverance

Often when we think of God delivering us from something or someone, we think of a great feat carried out by the mighty hand of God. Our expectations and understanding of deliverance have been limited to grand events and spectacles. So naturally, when we pray to God for help and see nothing with our natural eyes, we conclude that nothing has happened or maybe it’s not God’s will for us to be delivered at this moment. 

Understandably, our expectations are so fashioned from years upon years of only looking at the saving grace of God from one viewpoint. As God saved the Israelites from Egypt we see the grand parting of the Red Sea, the ten plagues, the fire by night and cloud by day. When we think of the Lord saving our souls, we see the expression of love on the cross.

Today I would like to say to us that the work of our salvation and deliverance did not begin when Jesus was nailed on the cross, but it began over 30 years prior to that moment. It began on a silent night in the company of animals. It went through every natural stage of growth and maturity. The children of Israel had no idea that while they prayed for salvation, Jesus was growing among them. This is a fascinating thing to observe, while the slaves prayed for a deliverer, Moses grew in the Palace of Pharaoh. Now when the process had run its course, behold The Deliverer emerged!

As you read this today if you are wondering when will God move on your behalf, when will the tide favour your sails. Be of courage and remain faithful to the call on your life. Our “God never sleeps nor slumber”. What you expected was an explosive deliverance, but what you are experiencing is the process of your deliverance. 

Whether by a pillar of fire or by the growth period, this one thing is evident, your deliverance is certain.

Habakkuk 2:3 says:

For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.
Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,
It will not tarry. (NKJV)

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